A disorderly start to the Kiev Biennale

A disorderly start to the Kiev Biennale

Titled The Best of Times the Worst of Times, the first Kiev Biennale opened this week with curator David Elliott apologising to participating artists and visitors for the organisation's failure to complete the exhibition installation on time. While the first floor was mostly complete, on the upper level of the newly renovated Arsenale about 25% of the works were not complete or not there at all.

“It's not the way I usually handle things,” Elliott said. “But there are things you can't plan for: like having to install for 36 hours with minimal electricity and no light.” Another factor said to be contributing to the chaotic set-up is the Ukranian government has not yet provided its half of the Biennale's funding.
Image: the entrance to the second floor at the opening of the Kiev Biennale