Curated by Martin Basher | Lovers
06.02.14 - 06.03.14

Kevin Appel (US), Martin Basher (NZ/US), Whitney Bedford (US), Tamar Halpern (US), Amy Howden-Chapman (NZ/US), Kate Newby (NZ/US), Peter Nicholls (NZ), Brie Ruais (US), Layla Rudneva-Mackay (US), David Scanavino (US) and Gordon Walters (NZ).
Starkwhite is pleased to start the 2014 season with Lovers, a late-summer group show curated by gallery artist Martin Basher.
Picking up on the semantic slippage of the show’s title, Lovers is a paean to beauty for the romantic viewer and an illicit assignation with visual pleasure for the serious conceptualist. Featuring work by eleven of Basher’s New Zealand and American contemporaries along with Basher himself, Lovers hones in on the physical and tactile elements of the work by this varied and intergenerational group, finding material and conceptual affinities connecting work that is otherwise separated by geography, time and conceptual focus. Lovers is a show with the tenor of sunsets, long cocktails, and holidays drawing to a close, and in this atmosphere, the works in the show find intimate common ground in the visceral and sensate, their relationships immediate and intense; summer lovers for a month.