HIRSCHFELD Berlin: a new art project space
Along with Genevieve Allison and Justus Kinderman, Boris Dornbusch (a recent addition to Starkwhite's lineup of artists) has started HIRSCHFELD, a new art project space located in the former archive of the Magnus-Hirschfeld-Zentrum, which was part of the Institute for Sexual Research of the Humboldt University in East Berlin. HIRSCHFELD is committed to developing a critical programme with primarily early-career artists. Exhibitions will take place intermittently for the length of the opening night only. We'll post further information on the space and the programme as it comes to hand.
“Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935) was the founder of The Institute for Sexual Science, first of its kind worldwide. The Instititute was established under the more liberal atmosphere of the newly founded Weimar Republic and was oriented towards progressive social and scientific developments.” (HIRSCHFELD press release.)
Image: HIRSCHFELD art project space, Berlin