Imagineering at La Biennale de Montreal
La Biennale de Montreal opens next month. L'avenir (looking forward) examines how contemporary artists give form to the question, what is to come? “Shifting between assessment and anticipation, clearly grounded in the now and informed by echoes of the past, the exhibition looks forward to the future to unveil a range of possibilities and rekindle some that may have been prematurely foreclosed.”
L'avenir (looking forward) was conceptualised by Gregory Burke (former director of New Zealand's Govett-Brewster Art Gallery) and Peggy Gale, and developed in tandem with co-curators Lesley Johnstone and Mark Lanctot of the Musee d'art contemporain de Montreal. All four curators worked in close collaboration with the biennale's executive and artistic director Sylvie Fortin to create an event that promises viewers “powerful experiences: moments for contemplation, invitations to wonderment, occasions for exchange and calls for action.”
The biennale runs from 10 October 2014 to 4 January 2015.