In Motion at Starkwhite

In Motion at Starkwhite

In Motion runs at Starkwhite this week and through to 8 August. The show includes work by Rebecca Baumann and Brendan Van Hek (AUS), Alicia Frankovich (DE), Len Lye (NZ) Laszlo Moholoy-Nagy (US) and Grant Stevens (AUS). Read more here
Images (top to bottom): Rebecca Bauman & Brendan Van Hek, Untitled (2015), acrylic and aluminum; Alicia Frankovich, Becoming Public: Actor (2015), C-print & The Female has Undergone Several Manifestations (2015), curtain, ribbon, fan, cord, plug; Len Lye, A COLOUR BOX (1935), Laszlo Moholy-Nagy,  Ein Lichtspiel: schwarz weiss grau (A Lightplay: Black White Grey)(1930), film still; Grant Stevens, Particle Wave (2013), six lenticular panels. A COLOUR BOX(1935) is presented in In Motion courtesy of the Len Lye Foundation and the British Postal Museum and Archive, from material preserved by the BFI National Archive and made available by Nga Taonga Sound and Vision. The Len Lye Foundation also acknowledges the support of Technix Group Ltd. Ein Lichtspiel: schwartz weiss grau (A Lightplay: Black White Grey)is presented in In Motion courtesy of the Moholy-Nagy Foundation.