McCahon House: good news and bad news

McCahon House: good news and bad news

In a piece in the eMagazine World Architects, this drawing of the McCahon House, designed by Bossley Architects for use as an artists residency programme, was part of a compilation of material to illustrate the value of hand-drawn sketches in the age of computers. A hardline elevation and a looser depiction of landscape over a photograph of trees and the sloping site, accentuate the design for a low-impact residence set among the trees and alongside the historic cottage that Colin McCahon lived and worked in from 1953 – 1960.

Sadly the Kauri trees that were a source of inspiration for the artist have been hit by Kauri Dieback disease. Many are in a state of decline and two have been removed, highlighting the need for continuing research and action to strop the spread of the disease.
Images: architectural drawing of the McCahon House and studio by Bossley Architectects and photograph by Patrick Reynolds