Sharjah Biennial: the production through art and architectural practices of new ways of knowing, thinking and feeling
The Sharjah Art Foundation has been slowly releasing the names of the artists selected for the 2013 Sharjah Biennial which is being curated by Yuko Hasegawa, chief curator at Tokyo's Museum of Contemporary Art. The latest batch is: Francis Alys, Tiffany Chung, Runa Islam, Lucia Koch, Nasir Nasrallah, Ernesto Neto, Otobong Nkanga, Gabriel Orozco and Ayman Ramadan.
Earlier this year, Hasegawa, announced plans to build a new city structure to house works by artists in next year's edition of the biennale. She has invited a selection of Indian, Lebanese, Belgian, Japanese and Spanish architects to help envision a new urban structure that connects the historic area of Sharjah and its courtyard typology with the larger city. She says: “Within these new and traditional structures a broad range of artists will be invited to create works that will offer new experiences to be shared. Here the courtyard becomes more than a 'place' – it becomes a 'condition' where culture is nourished and true knowledge is formed.”
Image: Lucia Koch, Riso Aborio, 2010, lambda on photographic paper, mounted on pvc