The Distance Plan

The Distance Plan

Recently we were introduced to The Distance Plan, a project initiated by a group of visual artists, writers, urban planners, poets, environmental scientists and geographers who produce exhibitions, public forums and publications on the effects of climate change.

In the first publication LA-based artist Amy Howden-Chapman writes: “Distance Plan is not another scribbled utopia, not another modelled future but a diligent diagram of causation between current actions and what is coming. There in the distance, but gradually materializing as it starts to impinge on life today, is climate change. With this issue, diagramming is a disorientating task. Our current actions will have consequences largely outside our life spans. The aim of The Distance Plan is to show how necessary it is to conceptualize the effects of this apparently distant phenomenon.”

The publication also contains Questions for my father about climate change, a must-read conversation between Amy Howden-Chapman and her father Professor Ralph Chapman, Director of the Graduate Programme in Environmental Studies at Victoria University, Wellington.
Image: The Distance Plan publication with contributions by Abby Cunnane, Amy Howden-Chapman, Louise Menzies, Ralph Chapman, Amy Balkin, Michael Paludan, Joe Hoyt, Biddy Livesey, Steve Kado, Arini Beautrais and Bjarki Bragason