William Wright AM

William Wright AM

Sydney-based curator William (Bill) Wright passed away on Friday night after a battle with cancer. Formerly the Assistant Director (Professional) at the Art Gallery of New South Wales where he headed the curatorial programmes, he was also curator of the 4th Biennale of Sydney, Vision in Disbelief, which included New Zealand artists Billy Apple, Christine Hellyar, Richard Killeen, Peter Peryer and Boyd Webb. Wright also curated a number of memorable shows such as The British Show (with Anthony Bond), Systems End: Contemporary Art in AustraliaThe Rose Crossing and New Zealand X1. He was later curatorial director at Sherman Galleries and most recently director of William Wright Artists Projects.

Wright's connection with New Zealand dates back to research trips for the Biennale of Sydney and the New Zealand XI exhibition, which was shown at the Art Gallery of New South Wales and the Auckland Art Gallery. He will be missed by his friends and colleagues here, as well as in Australia.