et al. | altruistic studies_vote more than once | Art 39 Basel, Art Unlimited 2008
04.06 – 08.06
Starkwhite is pleased to present et al.’s altruistic studies_vote more than once at Art Unlimited from 4 – 8 June 2008, with the support of Creative New Zealand.
The et al. installation methodology is utilitarian, looking for the value systems residing in readymade text, synthesised speech, sound bites, and incomprehensible, senseless or prosaic fragments – found objects, acts, events, gestures, artefacts, music and text. Installation is used as an archiving of societal events. Multi media components are fully integrated into the installations, with aleatoric scripting, synthesised speech, and computer generated imagery.
The Art Unlimited installation focuses on altruistic suicide methodologies including recruitment, training, indoctrination, marketing and glorification of action set against secular faiths, such as democracy, and religious fundamentalism, using a range of fabricated signage and speech in conjunction with a live feed to Google Earth.